Miss Emma Schleicher

3rd & 4th Grade Teacher

Miss Emma Shleicher

3rd and 4th Teacher

Miss Emma Schleicher, the older of two children, grew up in Door County, Wisconsin. She attended grade school at Zion Lutheran School, Egg Harbor, WI, and high school Sevastopol, Sturgeon Bay, WI. Emma received her Bachelor of Science degree this year from Martin Lutheran College, New Ulm, MN. Emma has worked in restaurants and coffee shops during her summers while attending Martin Luther College during the school year.

Emma loves to travel, take care of her plants and spend time with her friends.


Bible Verse:
”Wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you make your home, I will make my home. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” - Ruth 1:16

Color: Maroon

Food: Iced Coffee (if that counts as a food), cheesecake

Movies: Lord of the Rings

Quote: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” — Dr. Seuss