St. John’s Lutheran Church
Visitor information
We’re excited to have you join us for worship and experience the power of God’s grace and the salvation it brings. We are delighted to have you join us as we explore the depths of His love and embrace the gift of salvation through faith. We’ve put together this comprehensive Q & A to address common questions and provide helpful information.
What are worship service times and location?
Saturday, 7:00PM
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
706 W. Jane Street
Bay City, MI 48706
Where should I park and enter the church?
There are three locations for parking and entering the building.
If you park along W. Jane Street you can enter in the church door on the far left.
When parking in the lot off John Street you walk through our courtyard and enter through the doors at the end of the sidewalk.
If you park along S. Mountain Street you can enter through the doors below the bell tower.
What type of worship services does St. John’s Lutheran Church offer?
St. John’s Lutheran Church offers traditional Lutheran worship services with a focus on Biblical preaching, liturgical worship, and Holy Communion.
What should I wear to church?
There is no dress code at St. John’s Lutheran Church, but most attendees dress in business casual.
Can I bring my children?
Absolutely! We warmly encourage you to bring your children to church to experience the power of God’s message in a nurturing and welcoming environment. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow in faith and encounter God’s love.
We also have a Family Care Room- a comforting space designed for parents with babies and young children who may need a quiet area during the church service. We understand that little ones can something become restless or need a moment of calm. Our Family Care Room provides a peaceful environment where parents can attend to their children’s needs while still being a part of the worship service through live audio feed.
Can I take communion?
St. John’s practices close communion and all confirmed WELS members only are welcome to partake. Close communion seeks to ensure that those who partake in this holy sacrament have a genuine understanding of its significance and have made a public profession of faith through confirmation as a WELS member.
It’s important to note that close communion is not meant to exclude or reject others, but rather to uphold the sacredness of the sacrament. For Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11: 27-29 “Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the Lord’s body and blood. Instead, let a person examine himself and after doing so, let him eat of the bread and drinks from the cup. For if anyone eats and drinks in an unworthy way because he does not recognize the Lord’s body, he eats and drinks judgment on himself.”
If you have any questions regarding our close communion practice or would like to inquire further about the Lutheran faith please don’t hesitate to talk with one of our pastors.
How can I get connected with others in the church?
St. John’s Lutheran Church offers various opportunities for fellowship and community, including potluck dinners, game nights, Bible study groups, coffee hour between services, among other events, both for our church and school. For upcoming scheduled events please see our Events page HERE.
How can I take steps to become a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church?
First and foremost, we are thrilled that you are considering membership at our church. We are here to listen and support you along the way! If you have any questions or would like to know more about becoming a St. John’s member, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We invite and encourage you to talk with one of our Pastors!
How can I get involved in service and outreach opportunities within the church?
St. John’s Lutheran Church offers various opportunities for service and outreach within the local community, our school and beyond. Members can get involved in various ministries and volunteer opportunities within the church and school, such as serving as an usher, greeter, or musician during worship services, library aid, and much more. For all volunteer and committee information visit our Volunteer page to find out more.
Why should I attend church?
Attending church on a regular basis offers us a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the life-giving grace of God. It is through fellowship, spiritual nourishment, and worship that we experience the depth of His love and the transformative power of His grace. Let us embrace the privilege of regular church attendance, allowing God’s grace to work in and through us, as we grow in faith and become instruments of His love and grace in the world.
1. Community and Fellowship:
Hebrews 10: 24-25 states: “Let us also consider carefully how to spur each other on to love and good works. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have the habit of doing. Rather, let us encourage each other, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (EHV) Regular church attendance allows us to be part of a supportive community where we can encourage and uplift one another. Through fellowship, we experience the power of God’s grace manifest in the love and care of fellow believers in Christ.
2. Spiritual Nourishment:
Attending church provides an opportunity to receive spiritual nourishment through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Romans 10:17 reminds us that “faith comes from hearing the message and the message comes through the word of Christ.” (EHV) As we gather to listen to God’s Word, we open ourselves to His transformative grace, deepening our understanding of His love and growing in faith.
3. Worship and Communion:
In worship, we come together as a body of believers to praise and honor God. Psalm 100:2 encourages us to “service the Lord with gladness. Come before him with joyful songs.” Through worship, we express our gratitude for God’s grace and offer our hearts in adoration. Additionally, partaking in communion, as instructed in 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26, reminds us of the sacrificial grace poured out through Jesus Christ, strengthening our connection to His redemptive work.