St. John’s Church and School

Committees and groups

St Johns Church Committee.jpg

Looking for a way to volunteer at
church or school?

Here are the committees and groups our members can join to help.

For more information on how to get involved simply stop in at the next scheduled meeting or talk with the group contact.

For updated monthly meeting times please consult our church and school calendars.

Senior Choir

For: All Confirmed Members

If you enjoy singing our Lord’s praises and would like to be involved in the special music for our worship, please consider joining our choir. Practices are usually held on Sunday mornings between services at 9:15am. The choir performs in worship around 15-20 times during the school year.

No experience is necessary. We will help you learn how to do it. Come and join us in praising our Lord!

Contact: Gail McFarland or Amanda Perkins

Home and School Connect (HSC)

For: School Parents

This group meets to discuss ideas for supporting the school and our teachers and planning special events and activities for the students. This is a great way to get involved with your child’s school life. Check the school calendar for meeting times.

We are always looking for new members. Come to the next meeting and join us!

Contact: Pastor Reich

Evangelism Committee

For: All Confirmed Members

The Evangelism Committee assists the mission of our congregation in reaching out with the gospel in our community. Whether you have the ability to speak to others or not, the committee makes use of all the talents of all its members. All you need is a love of sharing the good news of the Savior with others.

The committee usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm. Come and join us!

Contact: Pastor Jake Reich

Church Set-up Group

For: All Confirmed Members (Individual or husband-wife teams)

We are looking to organize a new Altar Guild. We are looking for husband-wife or male-female teams to do the following; put up flowers on the altar and set out/changing the paraments when needed; put up some other little things to make sure the church is ready to go for the weekend services. If we have enough teams instead of teams being on for a month, we will schedule teams to be on for two weeks, and then rotate. We anticipate that you will spend no more than one hour a week doing this service.

Contact: Pastor Paul Schaewe


  • Hand-bell ringing is easy to learn. We would like to restart the Senior Hand-bell Choir. If you are interested and would like more information, please talk to Debbie Pretzer.

  • If you know how to play a musical instrument and would like to be a part of performing special music in our worship, please let one of the pastors know.

Grief Support Group

For: All Confirmed Members

In following our Lord’s directives in his word to encourage, support, and comfort one another, we are looking to set up this group to help individual members work through grief. We encourage especially widows and widowers to be a part of this group, buy any member who is experiencing grief may come.

Technology Committee

For: All Confirmed Members

The Technology Committee assists with the technology we use in our worship, for communication, and in other areas of our church and school ministry. If you are tech savvy, you would be a welcomed addition to the committee.

This committee usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the church council room. Come to our next meeting and join us!

Not really tech savvy? We are always looking for volunteers to run the PowerPoint for our church services. It’s just a push of a button and we can easily train you to do that.

Contact: Pastor Paul Schaewe or Chad Krager

Usher Corp

For: Confirmed Men

This group assists the Elder in making sure that the church service is done “decently and in order.” They are normally the first greeters for members and guests. They hand out bulletins, assist people to their seats if needed, collect the offering, usher people for communion, and usher people out after the services. It is easy to learn by “shadowing” an experienced usher.

Contact: Pastor Paul Schaewe or Greg Leaman


For: All Confirmed Members

The greeters are a group of people who welcome members and guests to our worship services.

The Evangelism Committee is looking for volunteers who would be willing to serve as greeters. If you would be interested in serving as a greeter, please contact the church office.

Event Committee

For: All Confirmed Members

The event committee organizes church events, such as the annual volunteer and new member potluck, the church picnic and camping trip, etc.

To get involved contact Pastor Schaewe or come to a meeting. All meetings are posted on the church calendar.

Service Bulletin Delivery

For: All Confirmed Members

We currently mail bulletin packets of our weekly service to out shut-in members. If we have volunteers willing to deliver these packets to the shut-ins, that will be a huge saving on postage. Plus, we are also asking these delivery volunteers to, at least once a month, make a social visit on these shut-ins who, in most cases, would greatly appreciate some company. Depending on how many volunteers we get, we don’t anticipate this taking all that much time out of your week.

Looking for the Church Council?
The Church Council members are voted into office by the voting
members of the St. John’s Lutheran Church congregation and therefore
not listed among these groups.

Church Council Page